English Language Challenges

 My experience learning English in university was fine, I knew some stuffs because of my School but I never put it in practice like in this subject, in the beginning it was hard and took me a lot of time to clarify my ideas but with the time I started to write faster than usual and sometimes even to think in English, I understood a lot of things about the pronunciation and put it in practice with the videos that we had to make.                

The truth is I felt some awkward talking of me but it was just in the first blog, then it was nice because I started to think about experiences that happened to me or things that I like, it was useful to know me better or to remember some good moments.

An aspect I need to improve is the pronunciation and I want to practice it with my brother who is very interested in learning English, so, while I show him how to pronounce and what it means , he can hear new Words and try to speak to me, it´s a win or win situation.

This is amazing to me but I’m using English to almost everything, for example when I don´t understand something in college I search it in Spanish and I don´t find too many information like when I search it in English, it also applies with videos. In my free time I read books of a game that I like a lot and all of this are in English and for the last when I want to read some comics or things like that, the last ones are always in English.


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