The best concert ever

Hi everybody

I went in 2018 to lollapaloza, i was very excited for tall the bands that was playing, i knew only 6 of all the artist but i can say that the best presentation was from Imagine Dragons, my favorite band of all times. I was with my father and two friends since the 12 we were walking, talking and seeing other bands while wait for the 6 pm, actually the concert started at 8 pm but we wanted to be close to the stage so we were there waiting for 2 hours with a lot of people around us and with a lot of heat, my feets started to ache and i was thinking that maybe we should go, it was late and we had to walk a lot to arrive to the place where we stayed and in night it may was dangerous, but... how wrong i was, in a momment the lights go off and the screen started to transmit images and figures really weird but awesome, we started to sing a lot of songs they played, i was really happy singing with my friends, and even my dad Jajaja until i lost my voice and when it finished,we went and arrived safe to the apartment

                                                              Im the one on the left side

Pd: I met one of my actual best friends in that concert


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