I Country I Would like to visit

 Hello everyone 

I´m going to tell you my favorite country, wich i hope to visit one day, that is Egypt.The reason is because since i was a child i spend time with my family in the afternoon watching documentals about pyramids, sphinx and pharaohs that has this misteryous place. 

I don´t know too much of the actual egypt, principally beacause i enjoy more reading about the past of egypt. I´d love to visit the sphinx and take it a lot of photos and also i´d like to see the Nile river that crosses the Sahara dessert, the largest in the world, and is the main source of water and reason of why the valleys of egypt are so fertile.

In conclusion, i know this maybe sound weird, but in truly, i wouldn´t like to live there, because i don´t like the extreme heat and the enviroment is dangerous, i really wouldn´t like the idea of waking up one day and seeing a scorpion in my room.


  1. boating on the Nile River would be a worthwhile journey, that's for sure. And I understand you don't want to live there when scorpions are plentiful, really.


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